
Wildlife Action of Georgia


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Volunteer Opportunities


Volunteer Opportunities

Wildlife Action is a private, non-profit, tax exempt (501c3), volunteer organization. We are dedicated to the appreciation and enjoyment of our wildlife heritage through the values of preservation, conservation, education, sportsmanship and fellowship.

What is volunteering?

To volunteer is to give yourself in service to a cause. It is about freely giving your time to help an organization, your community, or an individual. And this giving of your time and service is done free of charge, without expectation of compensation and without coercion. To volunteer means to act on behalf of something or someone else. It is done by people with a desire make an influence in the world. It is done willingly - by choice. It is done without pay. Most of all, it is done to promote positive change or help someone in need. We could use your help.

If you would like to volunteer, please fill out the form below and submit. Our coordinator will contact you.