Did you know you can get involved in a seniors BINGO contest?? /seniors playing Bingo

A Bingo photo
Ask you care giver for more details.

Also who could guess what is the name of this Fat Cat?.

The Fat Cat Cruise

This will display an animated GIF

Participate!!! And Guess what?? you could also be put in a draw to WIN a trip to the following destinations if you participate!!!!

Next Month we will have a contest on who will remember most regarding the following Tourism Destinations. So check them out!!!! And
READ READ!!!! about these places. To go to each destination's website by clicking on the corresponding book below in the image below

USA Tourism
Holland Tourism
Italiano Tourism
German Tourism
Portugues Tourism
Francais Tourism
Spain Tourism
Please note "Prime Properties INC" is offering a huge discount on their properties and free consultation on selling property all the way to the end of the year!! Below is podcast from prime properties. You may also visit their website at Prime Properties

Podcast Episode #1,247

You may also Download the Podcast

Podcast Transcript

You can also view their property showcase below if you or any of your loved ones are interested.

Property Showcase

You may also Download the Video Showcase

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